Have you ever noticed how the words you speak can change the attitude of someone? How if you tell a girlfriend you like her outfit or that she's having a good hair day, it kinda puts a pep in her step. Her head sits a little higher on her shoulders and she smiles. This in return warms your heart. You've just been an encourager. Someone who speaks to the heart, who brightens the day, someone who speaks life. That is exactly what God wants. He wants us to speak life. He wants us to be an encourager. If we are not speaking life than we are more than likely speaking death. Not purposefully of course, but when we speak harshly to our husband or snap at our children we take from them. We can crush their spirit. We can rob them of something they need, self -worth. We want our loved ones to know the truth about who they are and not believe the lies right? Well then, how come to often I find myself planting seeds of lies? When I yell, scream, nag, or criticize I am telling them that they don't meet the standard; that they aren't good enough. Children especially over time start to believe this. They turn it inside and start to believe it must be true, they think that since my own mother is never happy or pleased with me, I must be a failure.
We are defiantly not doing any favors for our marriages when we nag and complain constantly. We desire for our husband to want to come home to us. To look at us in love and to be pleased with us. How can this be if we are telling him over and over again how unhappy we are with him? God created us to be one with our spouse. We wouldn't ever think of talking to ourselves the way we talk to our spouse...or would we? Maybe that's the root of the problem. Maybe we so consistently speak death to ourselves that there's no possible way we can speak life to anyone else.
Maybe we don't know who we are in Christ. Maybe we don't know we are a child of the one true King. A conquers conquer, the apple of our fathers eye, the righteousness of God in Christ. Maybe we don't know how loved we really are. Maybe our self talk is all messed up because we believe the lies too. The ones that say were not good enough or that we ourselves don't measure up. These are all seeds that the devil plants. Lies he tells us and we fall for them over and over. Yes, we are a messed up people and we have all sinned and made some very bad choices but the truth is our mistakes are never to big for God. We have never out sinned His grace. God is in the business of taking our broken mess and turning it in to something beautiful. Beauty from ashes. The next time we start to tell ourselves we don't measure up remember just who we are. We are HIS. Made in His image. We are loved by Him. We are forgiven and we have His grace. If we can receive His grace and love then we should be able to give it and speak it. Give it freely. What if the words we spoke to a stranger. a single mom, a broken person, a non believer, a drug addict, or a homeless man could change their lives? What if encouragement and love is just what they needed? Speak life, especially to our loved ones. Our kids and spouses deserve to know that they are worthy and that they are loved.
If you don't know the love of Christ, I personally invite you to find out who He is, and through this you will find out who you really are. LOVED!
My beloved, you are loved!
This is so good Sis, thank you.
ReplyDeleteLove you.
Great job on this. It is so very true.