If we were together right now I would wrap my arms around you and give you a great big squeeze. We are so thankful to all who donated their resources, clothing, coats, hygiene items, and time. Because of you we were able to serve our community in a mighty way. You may never know this side of heaven how many lives you touched and how much love and hope you gave someone living on the streets, but let me tell you it was big. We were able to get to know a few new people and build some trust. We heard stories that would break your heart. More loss than you and I could ever think of. Death, despair, loneliness, heartbreak, hunger, families torn apart, addictions. You name it it’s out there. It’s hard to hear but I'm sure its harder to share. All some of these people wanted was someone to listen, someone to talk to. The coat, the soap, the clothing, the toothpaste, it’s all just a tool used to make a way in. To serve a physical need so that people trust us enough to share the emotional need they may have. You are a huge part of that. Without you there would be no us and we are so very thankful. Doors were opened to us that we could not have known about or made happen on our own. That’s how much God thinks of what you are doing and giving. He is making a way where there is no way. You are amazing and here at A Hope we are so in love with you!
Special Thanks
I wanted to say a special thanks to Community
America and Tru Home Solutions and their employees
for giving so generously and allowing us to meet a need through you. You're the best!
I also wanted to thank Vickkie for all you are doing to serve and for getting the word out, and to Melissa for helping to plant the seed and spread the word. Two of the best girl friends a gal could ask for.
You are two amazing women!
Thank you to the volunteers and my beloved family! They are pretty much one in the same :). For all they have donated and all of the time spent driving around. You are making a difference!
To my wonderful, amazing, hard working, hunk of a husband and my two beautiful boys. You are what keeps A Hope going. You support this ministry in so many ways. You are out there on the streets serving, praying, and loving. I am extremely blessed to have you. You are not just touching hearts out there but you are touching hearts right here at home. Mine! I love you!
If however you are fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself", you are doing well. James 2:8
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